@karen @Azurolu @brother neither do i recognize that guy. probably an american or jisraelite
@hj @karen @Azurolu @brother Mr Sulu in Star Trek: The Original Series (the 60s one with Kirk, Spock, etc...)

He's gay (the actor, not the character) and liberal and these seem to be the only thing going on in his life, because he never talks about anything else.
@guizzy @hj @Azurolu @brother @karen His Twitter feed for a long time posted mostly witticism and jokes, for which he gained a second significant following...of course, he paid comedians for those jokes, didn't even write them himself. "George Takei" is a brand.

@moonman @brother@kawen.space @karen@kawen.space @guizzy @Azurolu@pl.smuglo.li @hj I did wonder this. The broad social media presence screamed 'team' to me.

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