>Music critic Robert Christgau called metal "an expressive mode [that] it sometimes seems will be with us for as long as ordinary white boys fear girls, pity themselves, and are permitted to rage against a world they'll never beat".

are there any music critics who aren't complete retards

@noyoushutthefuckupdad This is an absolutely awful take, but it no longer surprises me.

Reminds me a lot of the pivot games journalism made into self-loathing priggishness a decade ago.

You have to be a complete asshole to even think like that.

@sullybiker Christgau has been reviewing music for over 50 years. he's considered a legend, and is frequently cited as a leading music critic, even though he absolutely fucking sucks and would sometimes review albums with one word or a windgings symbol. not joking, he would actually do that, look at his website. I first heard about him when Wikipedia was new, and I've hated him ever since.


@noyoushutthefuckupdad This reminds me of the Spinal Tap 'Shit Sandwich' review.

@sullybiker British Movie Night: Spinal Tap, The King's Speech, and one of the 9001 movies made in the past decade with a Zulu warrior playing King Arthur
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