Please tell me your favorite terrible groaner of a joke

Q. Why don't lawyers like to sunbathe on the beach? 


A. Because cats keep trying to bury them in the sand.

Q. Why don't lawyers like to sunbathe on the beach? 

@xenophora @checkervest ...What..what have you started

Q. Why don't lawyers like to sunbathe on the beach? 

@sullybiker @checkervest

Yeah yeah it's *my* fault! 🙄


@sullybiker @checkervest

I make enough money to overtip a Doordash person at least 4 times a year, though.



@xenophora @checkervest Have you sued any of them to get it back?

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@sullybiker @checkervest

Thought about it but it would take valuable time away from making the cat wear sports-related outfits for Instagram.

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