@Xarph @sullybiker @theruran

That's why i suggested them, as they are way cheaper to build. :D

@BillySmith @xarph@beach.city @theruran@hackers.town I bought a Reform computer. It's probably the most expensive computer I bought but it's something nice and the project really works hard at it.

@BillySmith It's @xarph@beach.city @theruran@hackers.town It's not powerful, but you can get into everything with just a single screwdriver. It's rather like an old thinkpad. Proper keyboard, too.

@BillySmith @xarph@beach.city @theruran@hackers.town It's ARM so you've not got tremendous power. It forces you to think a little differently about how you use it, a bit like a Raspberry Pi. You can do everything, but you might need to think about it.


@BillySmith @xarph@beach.city @theruran@hackers.town Monstrously heavy framework apps are a non-starter. Debian Sid's arm64 support is pretty decent though.

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