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Superficial wipe down and it's come up very nicely. I think I will use this a lot.

Rescued an x201 from the scrap heap. Bought a new battery for it and it plays nice. They do have a distinct smell when they get warm.

Went to the North Shore to have a look at LST-325 on its seasonal visit along the river. Wanted to get onboard but queues were crazy. It's a lot bigger than I'd imagined. they look compact on all the old wartime photos. Backlit, but what can you do.

My mum had one of these in 1981. It was even in red. I loved riding in that car.

A street cat enjoys the cool night and hopes for a way into a local house in Saleres, Andalucia.

Movie night in the village. I am absolutely flying on Mojitos.

I really like the presence of big imposing hills at night. 🇪🇸

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