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A great long read about line editors, on the amusingly-named lithub: I feel your pain, living in a pretty decently sized city with an airport that seemingly doesn't service anywhere near enough large metros.

Jim boosted

I will never forget the time I went to the movie theater with my dad and we got all excited about a trailer for a movie set in space with Harrison Ford because we thought it would be Star Wars, only to find out it was Ender’s Game

Some part of Mastodon is periodically exhausting all my VM's memory. It's getting quite annoying. Bok bok bok

I was rather taken aback how simple and logical network configuration is. Somebody has really thought this stuff through.

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I've got to admit, if feels relatively sane compared to Linux, is on a whole other level of elegant simplicity. It's a very human friendly OS.

6.4 is extraordinarily good. The GPU support in particular has come a very long way.

80% of OpenBSD update time is Audacious plugins.

Of course this happens on a day I do not have my fucking laptop. Nobody's fault but my own.

It's possible Nvidia will not fix this at all for legacy cards.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!