Show newer True, and part of it is the mess of web standards. Welll, no standards at all really, just 'whatever is most popular' which MS exploited for years with IE.

@PeteMoss Oh mate, this Armando Iannucci sketch is perfect for mechanic makes me laugh every time. "Help me." "Ella..why are you in your desk?" I am shocked and amazed...

@camedei456 They will most definitely totally restore it.

Notre Dame 🔥 A similar thing happened to York Minster in '84; they lost the entire south trancept. They did restore it all. They probably will with Notre Dame too, hopefully.

BTW if you ever want to see Hugo Weaving's prototype Agent Smith, Check out Reckless Kelly.

Actually check it out anyway, it's bonkers.

I can't do today but am thrilled they're watching the Matrix. It's an absolutely amazing film that still holds up so well. Perhaps it's only in the technical domain 😎 I know someone that moved to Hamburg from the UK, and he loves it, but said his biggest surprise is - in his words - "the myth of German efficiency". I mean who doesn't use a TWM

@garfiald He has always tilted a little full-on, but nobody does long-form stand -up quite like Lee does.

I've had blood thinners as a result of surgery and it's left massive track marks from IV lines that I've realized make me look like a drug user.

I became quite aware of the stigma at a petrol station.

People rightfully complain about the usability issues with FOSS environments but they should never overlook the fact that - for the most part - things do work pretty efficiently.

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