Show newer I don't like the monied side of Southern California, but I really liked the slightly grimy and trashy aspects of LA, much more than I thought I would.

@SeventhMagpie I have two Russian colleagues. I made one of them angry once and I'm fairly sure she could destroy a house let alone a toilet door.

@lain Are you trying to give the leftiverse a spontaneous simultaneous erection?

@PeteMoss I showed this to a truck driving friend that could not stop laughing.

@SeventhMagpie People can be so very strange.

I'm not surprised you let out a scream. It's a primal reaction to being very, very vulnerable.

I've always been amused by people that repeatedly try an occupied toilet cubicle door, as if it's somehow just stuck and will open if they keep trying it.

Today I had the experience of someone actually rotating the lock with a coin to open it, resulting in a surprisingly heated exchange with the occupant.

Why wouldn't you assume the obvious, that it is occupied?

@bthall I think this is what a lot of criminals aspire to. Las Vegas is a good example. Wall St moved in and that was it. It all had to be legit.

Such a weird tone. 'Dont worry, we will deal with these malingering scum'

Show thread Excellent. You'd be surprised how many people throw that around.

@lain Bedside table or pillow though? More the merrier! 🔫 I have found that it can be a fussy thing on occasion. I thought your username was 'Welcome to Hal's sobbing' I remember growing up in England listening to Springsteen and then realising that Philadelphia, New Jersey and Atlantic City are all next to one another and the song lyrics started making some sense. I thought they were miles apart. lol I'm not sure most WV people would either

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