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@cosullivan Looking at google earth I was very curious how they managed to do what they claimed. It didn't sound credible.

Grey rainy days really do something odd to one's mood.

Lunch with a former colleague. Made me realise how much I miss her in the office. My local ER had one of those househunting one, you know - 'She's a housewife, he works for the local council, their budget is 6 million dollars.'

1 of 2: ? of handling online grievances, mh crises 

@cosullivan It's a shame it came to that but your wellbeing is most important. What was the TOS violation?

Tinkering with AWS IAM policies, send whiskey.

1 of 2: ? of handling online grievances, mh crises 

@cosullivan > >"your voice is crowding out the others in the room."

In other words, 'shut up and go away'. Nice.

1 of 2: ? of handling online grievances, mh crises 

@cosullivan Did nobody else come forward and tell them to piss off? This is also the internet, unfortunately. I hate bullying of any description.

Some utter bastard has made microwave popcorn. The smell is driving me nuts

Jim boosted

#ShowerThought in hindsight, I think that we, as a species, have transitioned everything to digital technology with reckless haste. Computer hardware and software is, almost without exception, still in the experimental/ toy phase. Slapped together, insecure, disposable, obsolete from the moment it ships. Yet we already depend on it utterly for pretty much everything, even though almost nobody knows how to manage all that data sanely in digital form (I know I don't). It's overwhelming.

The ideal person is a large dog that keeps the developer company and bites them if they abuse superuser privileges.

My boys at the Touch-a-truck today. Much less fear of the noise this year. They had a good time. I thought it was quite erudite. Very *you*. Alex, you have a way with words.

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