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@justizin I enjoyed things like busybox init and learning to get along with Sway which is pretty awesome once you figure it all out. I noted in the blog post though that even the creator of Kiss provides a flatpak build script which amused me no end, but he really dislikes dbus (so no bluetooth and some other limitations.) It's a nice exercise though.

@justizin I had a lot of fun with it, but lost a lot of time screwing about with the kernel config because Kiss encourages everything in kernel (no initramfs although it's optional) and it's a job to get the storage stack behaving

@justizin KISS is cool too, I liked the clear-headed philosophy behind it.

@justizin It's been an inspiration in Slackware Multilib, that much I do know

@justizin It's a shame some shops don't encouraging packaging anymore, like Plex and occasionally the devs bundle a better package in their flatpack repos which isn't feature matched by the maintainers of distros.

@justizin I've found snaps and Flatpak have made me very lazy, so I try to avoid them now, as much as I can.

@justizin The only non-standard thing I really like is sbopkg, provides a curses interface to the slackbuild repo with queuing and just enough automation to really speed complex packages up.

My autocorrect was obsessed with changing 'distro' to 'bistro' so there's probably still some in there I didn't catch

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Some people happen to like the way Slackware does things. These complaints come around every so often on LQ by people that I think in the nicest possible way are missing the point of it all.

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Bunch of bullshit

The tool is not the work, use whatever works for you and enables you to carry out what you want it to.

@Mitsu Don't make me use the Crab Raccoon image again

Fancy a wee cuppa? 

@Louisa I for one welcome our new giant Louisa overlords

@nyquildotorg It was a gigantic album, made a lot of fans and the band's fortune. I long since grew out of any snobbery about it.

@nyquildotorg Nothing wrong with either. Later (post AJFA) albums tend to get a hard time from fans of the earlier material, but they're all worthy.

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