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A lot of VM testing of Linux with AD auth. It's come a Long way in the lat five years but I've had a very curious reaction to it all and don't like how much I need to rely on AD admins. I'd rather do the bit of extra work and just use more traditional methods. Am I just being reactionary?

I had no idea Trumph bicycles started in Coventry and Nuremberg. I was puzzled by the description of the Nuremberg bombing raid targeting the Triumph factory...

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I have to go back and tinker with it occasionally thus repleneshing the camel hump of hate (thank you Bill Hicks).

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I strongly dislike YAML and particularly the decision to use it for config tasks. It's just damn silly.


I'd have noped the fuck out of there the moment the very obvious reciprocating engine sound started.

Also I know it's probably the Brit in me but scheduling anything during lunch is bloody rude.

Pet hate: being scheduled on unusual hours (1-7pm) and management scheduling zoom meetings in the mornings that means going into work early lest you be late.

It was also the last year of my life that was normal. Six months later a series of seismic health problems would emerge. But I survived.

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3yrs ago Today I went to LA for the Open Source Summit. The conference was great but I was surprised how much Iiked the place.

Going through a restructuring at the moment and I keep thinking of this gem from Peep Show:

Jim boosted
>Music critic Robert Christgau called metal "an expressive mode [that] it sometimes seems will be with us for as long as ordinary white boys fear girls, pity themselves, and are permitted to rage against a world they'll never beat".

are there any music critics who aren't complete retards
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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!