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The first version of our first FAQ is online at

So many firsts! Hope this can help you when someone asks you 'so what is this fediverse'.

One thing I have remarked upon before that is unique to the fediverse (for me) is the amount of foreign language posts. I really like this, it's like sitting at the lounge of a big airport and hearing so many different tongues. I don't get this at Twitter.

Oh and "Make sure the configuration is in some stupid fucking markup language for no obvious benefit, and it must interact with DBUS in some really weird way"

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Redhat's M.O. seems to be "we need to improve this part of the ecosystem"

Then they toss it into the RHEL meat grinder at camp Poettering and out comes something that might be better but nobody will ever know because it's impossible to understand.

I discovered this when I migrated some dev boxes to CentOS Stream. So don't panic when it looks like it dumped your firewall rules.

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Well, shit. Firewalld has switched from using iptables as the backend, so one can't sanity check rules using that anymore. It's now using nftables. Another new thing to learn.

There's a broader conversation required here about the fact that RHEL are dragging Linux about like a knackered donkey and there's no end in sight to it.

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CentOS of the last five years has really been too good to be true from a server standpoint, being as it's basically RHEL without the baggage. I knew it couldn't last.

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I see it so often, and on every single occasion I suspect it's complete bullshit. Much like the "My 4yr old's thoughts on the latest American Scientist feature on Global Warming were too good to be real"

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My favorite thing on social media is people transcribing conversations they really and most definitely had, for internet points.

I don't know what it is about Apple's bluetooth stack, but it's very greedy, for want of a better word. If an Apple device is paired to something, it tends to stop anything else using it.

I don't action them until business hours unless it's really something I don't want the ballache on monday morning, but that's business as usual.

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The most annoying side effect of the pandemic remote working conditions has been people's perception you're available 24/7, I have had more tickets come in at the weekends than ever before.

Does anybody ever hear from Maiyannah B? Her site's not been updated in ages and I'm assuming she completely gave up on her fedi work. @noyoushutthefuckupdad

Now look what we did

Friends joke I found the one place in America that's even wetter than England....

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