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Jim boosted

Seeing all these posts about MS365 being shit...DOS crashed a lot, Windows has always had a shit UI, MS Word is the worst document tool I've ever used, MS Excel couldn't compete when there was competition, did anyone really think Visual Basic was a serious programming language?, Visual Studio is shit for anything but Windows programming, ...

When you primarily pursue anti-competitive behavior, there is little left for quality.


Jim boosted
Jim boosted

I asked ChapGPT to write a tragic story about a retired #DarthVader. I was not disappointed. 😂


Once a powerful Sith Lord, Darth Vader had retired from his life of violence and oppression. However, years of indulgence and a lack of physical activity had taken their toll on his once-imposing form. Vader had grown overweight and out of shape, and he could no longer fit into his iconic suit.

To cope with his regrets and loneliness, Vader had turned to alcohol, becoming a heavy drinker. His once-fearsome presence was now that of a slovenly, bloated figure. He spent his days lounging in his palace on Mustafar, surrounded by empty bottles and takeout containers.

Vader's descent into drunkenness had also made him a terrible person. He was prone to outbursts of anger and had little regard for the feelings of those around him. He would often belittle and berate his loyal stormtroopers, and he had long since lost any shred of the compassion and morality he had once possessed.

To make matters worse, Vader had developed a troubling flatulence problem. He would often release noxious gas at inappropriate times, leaving those around him gagging and trying to flee the stench.

Despite his fall from grace, Vader could not bring himself to care about his deteriorating health and relationships. He was consumed by self-pity and a longing for the power and respect he had once commanded.

As he lay dying alone in his palace, his only companions being his bottle and his flatulence, Vader realized too late the true cost of his actions and choices. His legacy was one of destruction and misery, and he was remembered as a monster rather than a hero.

Modern Linux seems to be full of things that complicate but don't actually add anything. Maybe I'm just getting old.

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Another win for complexity dressed up as progress.

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Yes, I can potentially *checks notes* create a script to loop through zone rules and remove them, or I could just replace the whole thing with a simpler iptables (or more likely nftables) solution.

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Looking at config mgmt with firewalld there is no functional equivalent to 'flush', nor do the developers consider this an issue.

There is no simple, prototypical way to clear out any existing config. You can purge config files but this won't affect default Zones with added sources.

This is not optimal.

I really dislike this American habit of saying "picked up" when they mean "bought". I don't know why it bugs me so much.

I met with one of our grad students earlier this week. She started talking to me about netBSD."Where have they been hiding you" was about the best I could manage.

Jim boosted
Jim boosted

The complexity FirewallD brings just doesn't pay off in features, especially when you come to configuration management. There's no way to flush it from the CLI and start over without doing very heavy rm -rf on config files and restarting - sorry lennart, *reloading* - the service. I used to like it until I had to deal with all these bespoke configs and it just fucking breaks.

Okay. I'll do that one thing which is literally your 9 to 5 because you can't be fucked to pick up your phone again.

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So many times I'll hear "Oh you need to call this office to schedule" To which I have learned to respond "Excuse me? *I* need to call them?"

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There is this thing here where Doctors Offices have a gaggle of staff in an office that make it their business to do as little as possible. every time they fuck up, which is frequent, they try and get the patient to run around and sort it out.

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