Somehow, I let myself be drawn into a hellthread about banking, cryptocurrencies, money, precious metals, and what might survive what kind of collapse.

This one guy seems like he’s influenced by “sovereign citizens”:{} and “freemen on the land”:{} beliefs. For example, modern currency is “banking credits”, not money, because it isn’t backed by precious metals. Real money is precious metals, of prescribed purity, in coin or bullion form.

In real life, money is defined primarily by what it does or enables someone to do: a medium of exchange and a store of value.

@lnxw48a1 One of my favourite novels - Cryptonomicon is founded entirely on this subject. Reading it was quite an education as it goes right back to the fundamentals of money.

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@sullybiker @lnxw48a1 Cryptonomicon and The System of the World describe money as having come from the exchange of bits of precious metals, to the exchange of notes of ownership in precious metals.

Graeber's research seems to indicate otherwise, but unfortunately I haven't yet read him.
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