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I still don’t get how Windows got so early into the notifications trend, one of the very few things they were ahead of their time

no, no it doesn’t

but at least Aurora works lol

Managed to install QEMU drivers for QXL, I added it as a secondary video card, inserted the 0.1.160 ISO into the VM and let Windows do the rest!

I now wonder if I can get the VMware display with 3D acceleration…?


if I want 3D acceleration at this point I probably need VMware or, if I’m lucky enough, Virtualbox

I can’t think of any way to get Aero working other than using VMware right now


(AUR package managers could as well tell me the source of the binary/script contained in that PKGBUILD… right?)

[AppLoader] GLib does not have GSettings support.

of course there’s no way native proprietary software will ever work smoothly on Linux

(didn’t need to fix that though, because the problem I had was unrelated: linux-headers was missing and because of that VMware kernel modules weren’t installed)

(this is painful to say)

(I’m never tampering my main kernel ever again)

VMware is sloooooooooooooooooooooooooow what happened??????

at least it rebooted without freezing lol

I suspect the slow startup performance was related to IDE (CD-ROM) emulation, but who knows


welp, it worked! but it also didn’t!

WinFS is running but I didn’t assign a folder for it, so I need to copy things manually into some virtual network storage path :blobcatderpy:

or maybe it’s not that manual — let me see

I adore that globe animation, the colors are so right :blobcatmelt:

(I forgot to enable cursor recording here, but it does change speed randomly depending on cursor position)

Now, you might be confused here. “Wait, isn’t that just like copying to your Music folder???”

Nope! WinFS copies the data to wherever it feels like within its virtual storage… and because it’s actually a Microsoft SQL Server underneath, it can then parse all the metadata from each file and allow you for some complex queries!

…or at least it would, if explorer.exe had ever progressed that far — WinFS seemingly got finished, but not the required UI, with the project being delayed when it was pretty much done and eventually scrapped


@xerz I had no idea about this. It's fascinating. I remember some noise about an SQL-backed file system around the time of Windows 10, but obviously that never happened.

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