One question I got at LCA was what stories in popular culture we can point our chosen friends and family at. It's not enough to get them to watch these shows and movies. We need to be able to point at the real life news that have similar things happening so they realise it's not just Sci-fi. We need to have gentle empathic conversations with them. We can't argue or harrang them. I know you aren't hassling your chosen ones. But there will have been convos where they feel attacked.

So we try to change the narrative, we change our language to "I feel it would be better to consider..... , rather than why use Facebook..." as an example. You want to start by spending time and perhaps suggest binge watching some movies and TV series. You can take breaks and gently start discussing the deeper themes. It needs to be organic and we need to actively listen to what our loved ones say.

Then we can counter the narrative, not counter attack. We need to change hearts and minds. It's a gradual process, FLOSS Advocacy is a constant never-ending process. Over 20 years of watching MS and Linux arguments online have convinced me about that. Watching distro communities grow by community advocacy beyond RTFM has demonstrated that as well. We win by showing empathy and providing help through good documentation and helpful community interactions with newcomers.

I need a booklist sub thread now.

Thanks to @JohnMashey for this tip, it was published before I was born.

"John Brunner's "The Shockwave Rider" (1975),
That's a dystopian future where everyone is worried that others get access to their personal data and use it against them. "


@onepict It'll never happen

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