Putting the snow shovel back in the garage. Am I tempting fate? The winter was non existent really but the weather has been weird.

@sullybiker I’ve been thinking the same. We’re having a little cold snap for the next couple of days, but after that I think (hope) that it can go away.

@Flick We get snow as late as April here (not in big amounts) and you're not supposed to do anything in the Garden before Memorial Day in May, because the snaps will kill everything

@sullybiker My neighbour keeps muttering darkly about snow in May, but I’m not sure how far back he’s remembering.

@Flick @sullybiker My grandfather told me that they had a freak snow shower one June. I remember a heavy May one at home in my early teens.


@HebrideanHecate @Flick I was at school in London in 1986 and there was this unusually heavy winter (But I still had to go to school 😔 )

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