Reduxx has learned that a researcher at McGill University in Canada has been conducting a survey aimed at gaining insight from “child lovers” in online pedophile communities. The survey features images of naked children.

Psychology PhD researcher Julia Levitan has been collecting data from “child lovers” in an effort to ascertain data on “romantic attraction to children” in conjunction with a pro-pedophilia organization with ties to multiple Canadian universities.

On May 30, Levitan posted a call for participants on BoyChat, the surface web’s longest-running pederast forum. BoyChat caters to adult men sexually attracted to young boys, and has been operational since 1995. The site has been allowed to continue because posts are required to remain within a strict channel of legality, though the men often sign their posts with photos of themselves as children…………………………………………..


@HebrideanHecate It was always going to go this way

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