Exclusive: Neither CMAL or Transport Scotland asked around shipyards to see if restarting the construction of the Hull 802 would be cheaper or quicker despite Neil Gray admitting it was not value for money to keep building it at Ferguson Marine.

New questions have been raised about the Scottish Government’s decision to push ahead with the construction of Hull 802 after it was revealed that they had not approached other shipyards for quotes about building a replacement. Economy secretary Neil Gray announced last month he was using a rare ministerial directive to ignore civil servants who said it was not value for money.

@sullybiker It’s a disaster, and I can say with complete honesty that not one single Govt or PM, not even Thatcher, created a mess over our ferries, they came, they did their stint, they were retired to other places, we got new ones. So well done, Sturgeon & co, jolly well done, yet another colossal screw up to add to the endlessly long list of screw ups they already have. That’s some going.


@HebrideanHecate You people need ships, it's not a fucking puzzle. I don't understand how they can get it wrong.

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