medical stuff 

I’m so sick of my body growing tissue and cysts and lumps where it’s not supposed to, and every time you have to go and show it to a GP who goes uhmm erm hmmm and then, if you’re lucky, you get an ultrasound and get told it’s nothing. (Once a GP said to me: “I don’t believe it’s cancer.” Helpful. Thanks.)

Typing this after finding a semi-soft moveable lump in my lower back. Assuming it’s a lipoma. Still stressing. I don’t like doctors. Not even sure I want to make an appointment.

medical stuff 

@Vinjii I hate this whole thing (went through it five years ago, super bad news too) and I totally get the stress.

medical stuff 

@sullybiker I’m sorry about the bad news. So far everything’s been benign but has resulted in several surgeries already and being poked with a fat needle many times. Every time I wonder: what if this time it’s something bad. Hate it. And my stupid obsessive brain.

medical stuff 

@Vinjii I had a huge tumor taken out that turned out to be malignant, they initially thought it was harmless. The surgical consult was basically "Well, it might be lymphoma, I'll refer you to oncology" That was a fun 2 week wait.

medical stuff 

@sullybiker It’s the way they say it. I once was told in A&E: It’s probably harmless but if the symptoms don’t resolve we have to consider a brain abscess or tumour so please come back.

Me: 👀

medical stuff 

@Vinjii When I finished my treatment my oncologist started with "Ten years ago we would not be standing here"


medical stuff 

@Vinjii I replied "Is that because the building is new?" But he didn't get the joke and spelt out what he meant. I just told him I'm glad he didn't tell me that at the beginning.

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medical stuff 

@sullybiker They almost never get the jokes and I joke when I’m stressed and then you face a deadpan stare at best, and at worst an explanation.

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