Oh, nice, looks like the Fosstodon instance (@fosstodon) blocked my profile.


I guess it tells you more about “FOSS”todon than anything else that they chose to block a human rights activist/privacy advocate who wakes up and works at a not-for-profit on free and open software every day. Maybe if I were to work at Google and hack on a hobby open source project in the evenings I’d be acceptable?


So if you’re on Fosstodon and you thought you were following me, you’re not. Fosstodon has silenced my account.

You might be able to follow if you manually try following again.

Or maybe consider switching to a FOSS server that doesn‘t silence FOSS developers.

(Please boost if you haven’t been silenced by Fosstodon also so folks there might see. Thanks.)

#fosstodon #censorship #fediverse #mastodon #freeSoftware #openSource #privacy #SmallTech #SmallWeb

@aral So what did you say (write) to get yourself placed on the naughty step?


@aral @dick_turpin The admins should really sort that out.

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