
I used to love travel when I was younger. It's just miserable now. And it's all human factors.

Although I did enjoy the tinting windows on the 787. They replicate night time on a long daylight flight (going West transatlantic) it is nice for napping.

@sullybiker HELLO FELLOW OLD PERSON! I could gas up my car on my shitty tips from my hostess job and have money left over for a pack of Camel straights and GO GO GO--drive anywhere. I could kiss my loved ones goodbye at the gate and sink into a seat that accommodated my very average sized body. No one took their fucking shoes off at security or on the plane. Flights weren't cancelled willy nilly. There was no Airbnb scraping your information and screeching about deposits, you could just show up and pay cash for a hotel you'd read about in Fodor's.

When you got there people acted like they were happy to see you. I had counter and desk jobs with a name boss would bust my nuts if I wasn't polite at all times. There were no digital kiosks malfunctioning, resulting in a massive queue with not enough humans attending the inevitable failures. It was understood that there would be too much staff because not enough staff was a disaster and an unacceptable customer experience.

How are there so many layers of bureaucracy and yet not enough humans to keep the plates spinning

@Gelatinousrube Also putting a pull handle and wheels on gigantic cases doesn't make it cabin baggage. If a flight is even slightly full it runs out of overhead space because people seem to need to bring half their house with them but don't want to check it. This causes frustration and delay. They used to be very firm on this, but have given up because everyone does it.

@sullybiker You know what? I don't care. Things are worse now. We'll make it, but it's true
@Gelatinousrube @sullybiker The Age of the Human Moron comes to its ugly close. It is not collapse but a Renaissance that lies on the other side. Once a civilization puts its resources into the talented and stops wasting it on morons, great things happen, even for the morons. That's the trouble with morons. They hate greatness that benefits them.
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