
lmao I had to rez Shadowheart (sorry about the meenlocks) and then at camp she wouldn't fuckin talk to me. I couldn't take her out of the party or anydamnthing.

I thought it was a story thing but thank god it's just a bug

Making myself stop playing to go eat. Ridiculous bodies and their needs

Diablo 4 dropping a season 2 vampire trailer like we're not all obsessed with Astarion right now

Nice try, nerds, see you after I charm my way thru Faerûn

someday I'll slow down and not foolishly cast a concentration spell when I'm already working hard to maintain a concentration spell. today is not that day

At a point in bg3 where I want to explore and take long rests and chat up my party, but also the stakes seem pretty high so narratively speaking I feel like I can't/shouldn't?

Bg3 act 2 spoilers kinda 

Like sorry Ketheric is causing trouble and the tieflings are kidnapped, I gotta steal from these abandoned buildings and graverob and try to seduce a mage who's fixated on his ex rq

Bg3 act 2 

Shar sucks
platforming sucks
Shadowheart sucks

Bg3 act 2 

I mean _I got it_, but it suckslol

Bg3 act 2 

I take it back, I love the orthon "fight" lmao. being a bard rules, actually

Bg3 act 2 

Astarion: what the fu k, kill it
Alzbeta: shhh I got you babe

"why are all these fights so hard?" she asked, forgetting there was AN ENTIRE AREA SHE NEVER WENT TO and now it's locked forever (for this playthru)

taking a bg3 break for the night bc 1) Good Mythical Evening and 2) emotional decompression lol

me: oh hell yes, this fight is going surprisingly well, maybe I'm getting the hang of this

bg3: bitch u thought. *crashes*

super glad I make multiple saves in addition to the quicksave while I'm in fights, or I'd be very upset rn

oh my god I'm going to kill my friend

bg3 cheese/strat tip marked sensitive here but holy shit

headphones in, Astarion whispering in my ears while sneaking around. this game is high key erotic

bg3 act 2 spoilery? lewd? idek 

gotta respect Art's commitment to literally never, ever wearing a shirt or being even a LITTLE less sweaty. also he and Halsin definitely fucked at some point, right? right???

Still thinking about Gale getting absolutely, adorably giddy about a bookshop. Relatable content, underappreciated companion, haters gtfo


nbd just found my boyfriend's tressym on the roof of a temple. after we save the world we're having a dinner date at his place and the tressym is going to snuggle. this rules

Bg3, lewd 

Look I know I have a one track mind but if we have time to go to a circus we have time for me to savage Gale in one of these abandoned houses amirite

And how tf did they find a way to make clowns even worse than usual

cackling my fool head off at Gale's behavior in the brothel. this silly, adorable man

Lewd, do not read 

Fucked up that I'm chorin and being an adult instead of enjoying some in- or out-of-game, as Gale might say, "the rutting, or what have you"

(yes it's still funny to me and yes I am still super into this char)

bg3 act 3 spoilers 

what if we were both sneaking... and we kissed in the secret vault of a narcissistic mage...
while we robbed him senseless...

haha just kidding



this rando on the street in bg3 really just said "inquisitive and nut-crazed" to me

Legit at a point in act 3 where I have a dozen things I can do and I'm not sure what to do first

Bg3 act 3, in my feelings 

Fought Cazador last night and had to take a break after the immediate cut scenes. Intense, heavy material. These themes of control, manipulation, familial and social demands, and what freedom could even look like, are hitting me very hard.

Bg3 act 3, in my feelings 

I want to hug Astarion and tell him he's going to be okay. That he's got people who genuinely love him, now, and know his intrinsic worth. That he's making amends for his responses to abuse and trauma, as best he can, and he deserves grace and love.

Bg3 act 3 

literally tearing up at my desk over Shadowheart's resolution. laser-targeted to emotionally destroy parents

Bg3 act 3 Shadowheart spoilers 

would I have done the same in Shadowheart's parents' place? fuck yes. without an instant's hesitation. your baby came back to you, she's healing, she'll be okay, she's free of those fuckers.

dying and being free, yourself, is just a bonus.


Bg3 act 3 Shadowheart spoilers 

@MmeLibertine Are you enjoying it?

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