Director of research into not shitting yourself, bankrolled by the company that invented a huge opt-out laser that makes everyone shit themselves all the time

we (GtS) got invited to a 'miniconference' about data portability, and one of the speakers is some big honcho at Google :video_games:

We’re also excited to announce our keynote speakers. Brian Fitzpatrick - founder of Google’s Data Liberation Front and creator of Google Takeout - will be opening the first day of the conference

dear me

if you're gonna invite someone from Google to a conference, I want his entire speaking time to be spent literally flagellating himself and apologizing profusely, as a form of performance art

imagine appropriating leftist iconography for a fucking Google product, made at Google, by Google engineers; it is painful to my fucking eyeballs lads!

view it with me


@tobi The fist is appropriate

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