@HebrideanHecate I can’t imagine Taki balking at slut, and it seems like too refined a term for rappers to use: aren’t they more about the whores and suchlike?


@Flick @HebrideanHecate "Aren't they more about the whores and suchlike" just cracked me up.

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@sullybiker @HebrideanHecate Lol.

But aren’t they? Idk, never saw the appeal, but I’ve seen plenty of posters to gardening groups ticked off for using the word “hoe”.

@Flick @HebrideanHecate @sullybiker "In January, Facebook mistakenly flagged the U.K. landmark of Plymouth Hoe as offensive, then apologized, according to The Guardian."

It occurs to me that there's a lot of disagreement online about if it's "hoe" or "ho." I don't really use it, but for some reason "ho" is correct to me. I guess because it's different than the tool and it's just a shortening of the original word.

I mean, "ho" is also an inoffensive word. It's not used very often...I mostly hear it in the context of "Westward ho." It's too bad they got away from the model of "if something is truly offensive a human can report it." I know there's moderation abuse, but I'd rather see everything first rather than having a robot decide.
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