Followed the MS Estonia tragedy a while ago, read the report, all the conspiracy theories. Interested to see they raised the bow ramp In Summer, but *most* interestingly someone had opened it from its previously partially closed position. This could only be for easier access to the car deck, to get something big in, or - intriguingly - out.

Obviously it was cut away in order to lift it, but this was 2 years prior. Original condition as per 1997 report up until around 2019, when somebody cut it free. Nobody seems to know who.

The big question I have here is: Was this to gain access to something on the vehicle deck in order to take it out? I'm no conspiracy theorist but this seems very, very odd. There was originally a 1 meter gap, enough for a diver or a small ROV, but nowhere enough to take something out.

@feonixrift In the 90s this was major conspiracy fodder. I'm surprised nobody has offered an explanation. It did not just fall off - this was intentional. But why?

@feonixrift Original joint team report is here: It's a good if disturbing read if you have the time.

@sullybiker :bookmarks: time yes, brain... maybe later.

@feonixrift I agree with the conclusion of the report, many do not. The big theory is that she was transporting something illicit from then-post USSR Estonia, something that was enough for the ship to be intentionally sunk. The stories won't go away. And yet, somebody has been down there doing stuff, at a site that is under surveillance.

@sullybiker ironically, the existence of conspiracy theories may be enough of a lure to cause actual conspiring, among even people with enough means to go sawing off underwater doors.


@feonixrift The team that triggered a re-opening of the investigation actually got convicted in a Swedish court for disturbing the wreck, even though it was a survey. So it is very, very hard to do anything down there if not officially sanctioned.

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