

Back on the ward, things went from bad to worse. From behind my curtain, I heard my anaesthetist arguing with one of the midwives about giving me morphine – the ward staff didn’t want me to have it because it would mean extra checks and more work. Thankfully my anaesthetist won.

I managed to hold on to the morphine machine until 3am, at which point it was taken away because it was ‘beeping too much’. I woke up two hours later in agony. It was a constant battle to get anything stronger than ibuprofen – which really doesn’t cut it just nine hours after major surgery.

But the agony I suffered was trumped by the distinct lack of kindness or care – from staff making me feel ashamed when my catheter got pulled out, soaking my bedsheets, to eye-rolling when I asked for stronger pain medication.

When I was discharged, it was without a proper pain prescription and no information on what to do with the six weeks of blood-thinning injections they’d put in my bag or so much as a congratulations as we shuffled out the door.


@HebrideanHecate I wish this wasn't the case, but I know it's true.

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@sullybiker Yes, and it ENRAGES ME. My retired midwife cousin was telling me that she was horrified by so many of the trainees she saw, and indeed I saw it for myself, often thinking why the hell are you doing this, you are not even remotely suitable for the job. As in shit people, not just good people not coping in shit situations and all gone mad, but those who have all the empathy of a baboon on crack.

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