Wings pulls apart trans murder rates:

If you exclude Central and South America, the total number of recorded murders of transgender people in the entire rest of the world is just 1,839 in 15 years. That’s less than one per country per year. For comparison, over the same period 48,000 people have been killed by worms.

Transmen (ie women who think they’re men) account for just 6% of all trans murder victims, whereas around 22% of non-trans murder victims are women. So while men can cut their risk of murder by at least 67% by popping a frock on, if you’re female transitioning cuts your statistical likelihood of being murdered by a minimum of about 95%.


@Flick I used to read him when he was editor of Amiga Power. Funny old world.

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@sullybiker Well, I guess I used to as well although I never knew it!

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