"Hello, we're trying to recruit ML/DL faculty and wondering what GPU compute resources you could dedicate?"
It's funny, just this morning I was wondering what to do with the brand new GPU server we have in the basement doing nothing. Yes, that's right, the imaginary basement. Imaginary server, too, because SHIT COSTS MONEY AND YOU NEED TO FUCKING BUY IT

I am told, repeatedly, we are the most expensive department in the organization. Any yet they STILL live in a world where resources and the staff to run them cost nothing. "AWS is too expensive" they cry. Funny that. You don't want to pay the Bezos tax? Dig into your pockets.


Absolutely infuriates me ever since I became 'management'.

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Also on the occasions I've played around with the budget to find money for such things, when I approach departments for a buy-in they're not interested unless it's for their sole use.

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