It turns out the Alaskan 737's plug door was manufactured in Malaysia. Nothing wrong with that, but it shows the subcontractor subcontracted their own work. I doubt anyone was checking it was done to the certified standard as the FAA does not maintain an office in Kuala Lumpur. That's what happens when everything just gets outsourced.


Although according to this news page it is an FAA approved part, so again it is likely not the issue, unless they can demonstrate it was not made to spec.

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The entire point of such a long supply chain is cheap labour and reduced cost, after all.

@sullybiker I remember reading an article that discussed the poor reliability of telecom infrastructure and it demonstrated how a $1B investment by a company filtered down to a guy getting $10/hr to actually install things.

Long story short, a lot of people got their cut without providing any actual work.

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