Mark Hamill, Conroy's frequent voice actor co-star as the Joker, spoke highly of working with Conroy. Regarding his willingness to be involved in a Batman-related project, Hamill says, "When they offer me roles now, I say, 'Is Kevin doing it?' ... I don't even have to read the script, if Kevin's doing it I'll do it."


Thank you for all your years of work, Mr. Conroy. You left us too soon.

(I'm currently watching Justice League Unlimited and he was a great singer too!)…

Kevin Conroy's autobiography comic "Finding Batman" is linked to from… , free to read for some people, presumably people in the US at least. In my region it's sadly not made available through this link.

#KevinConroy #FindingBatman

Conroy's own favorite performance was in "Perchance To Dream", Batman TAS (1992) S1E26, where he can be said to have played four different roles in one episode.

Steve Shives explains what's so great about Conroy's work in general and this episode in particular, and speculates on why this episode might have resonated strongly with Conroy personally.

"Kevin Conroy's Favorite Batman Episode"……

Interviews with Conroy, Hamill, Tara Strong (famous for many roles -- in this series she was Batgirl), recording (and casting?) director Andrea Romano and other people from the voice cast of Batman TAS: How did Conroy and Hamill become Batman and the Joker for the first time, and what was it like to work on this production?……

JLU is not self-contained, it has explicit continuity with "Justice League". My current episode is "The Return", of a character from the previous series.

Also I'm learning here that we have both "The Atom" and "Captain Atom". I was assuming until now that Captain was some version of The.

Next episode, one minute in:

"Not them again."

Maybe I should watch the previous show first. But this is the one people say is great. =)

Aquaman has a hook for a hand now?

"Dark Heart"

The understanding of orbital mechanics in this scriptwriting is in the negative. If you don't understand the words, don't use them! Get a science babble advisor.

I love how Superman has weapons of mass destruction on his face, but he just prefers good ol' punching. Even when facing ten thousand enemies.

JLU has so much bad writing when it comes to the technical details and other excuses for the story to happen. But the characters and relations are good, and I guess that's why people like it. I guess that's why I like it.

There's the casual sexism, but it's mostly played for "look how backwards this character is", unlike in "Batman: The Brave and the Bold", which lets all of it slide.

Green Arrow is such an insecure macho douche. But Black Canary has so much internalized misogyny that she likes it.

I guess this Green Arrow and the one in BM:TBatB are pretty much the same.

The story is referenced in the episode "The Balance" on the cartoon program Justice League Unlimited. The episode originally aired on 28 May 2005. In the episode, members of the Justice League visit the Library of Tartarus where the fictional Menard's story is said to reside.

...which is the episode I'm at right now and how I ended up in this article. πŸ˜ƒ…

I'm loving the S2 arc! S1 was a little all over the place, but it's all coming together now and a lot of things make sense in retrospect. I love that Green Arrow explicitly points out the JL's problem with consent. I should have given the writers more trust.

S2 was satisfying. Now watching S3.

I love that the Flash is more social worker than cop to at least some of his rogues.

I watched all of the JLU.

S1: Necessary for S2
S2: Fantastic, one of the best DC arcs, retroactively improved S1
S3: Felt like B5 S5, they were caught off guard getting another season, but still good and one or two solid twists

#JusticeLeague #JusticeLeagueUnlimited #JLU

Watching the preceding Justice League series.

Wow, all technical aspects of JLU were improvements on this one.

Also the writing in JLU is far superior, no matter how high or low a level you look.

And the voice acting.

Justice League is objectively bad in multiple aspects, but I'm unironically enjoying it while also cringing. It's fun enough to outweigh it.

All the heroes, but especially Superman, are so incredibly nerfed ... except when they're not.

The League *hates* buildings and just indiscriminately mow them down, with zero efforts to take the fight out of town. 🀣

Episode after episode.


@clacke This sounds like Team America

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