If modern human intelligence evolved 60,000 years ago, why did civilization not develop until 10,000 BC? This question lies at the heart of the sapient paradox, one of the great mysteries of human existence. Potential explanations range from a reconsideration of prehistory to the power of collective learning to early humans getting stuck in "gossip traps."


#anthropology #prehistory

The connection to social media and "cancel culture" seems like a stretch (as this social pressure has nowhere near the same consequences as institutionalized power), but the idea that big societies with high levels of specialization require a different mechanism for organization than raw social pressure sounds sensible.


#gossip #Dunbar #anthropology

Perhaps unsurprisingly this is how democracy manifests in the modern world, via electoral politics.

I hate the time before elections when streets are filled with billboards of politicians' faces. Just an endless stream of faces, names and numbers. Votes being cast based on party association and perceived reputation.

#politics #Poland


@jackofalltrades A politician will do absolutely fuck all about inflation. It's hllarious to think they'd even bother trying to campaign on it.

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@sullybiker @jackofalltrades since when do politicians have control over central bank policies anyway
Since the federal reserve and even more so in FDR's new deal.
@NonPlayableClown @jackofalltrades @sullybiker Federal Reserve is independent. Congress can change their mandate, but they can't change monetary policy. That's set by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.

The EU Central Bank is, presumably, structured similarly.

Your votes can't change monetary policy.
>Congress can change their mandate, but they can't change monetary policy.

You mean the same board that are nominated in their position by senate and the president?

@NonPlayableClown @jackofalltrades @sullybiker It's basically a revolving door of Keynsian economists, bankers, and members of the Treasury. You will never see a nomination blocked by the senate over monetary policy, especially because they get 14 year terms and we'll never have the opportunity to wipe out the entire board and replace them with sane people.
>...especially because they get 14 year terms and we'll never have the opportunity to wipe out the entire board and replace them with sane people

Yeah I 100% agree with that.
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