It's on Reddit so I have already eaten my own fingers this morning, but this is an interesting find about the dangers of automotive telemetry. Of course they're fucking selling it. One ithat made me think of @onepict

@sullybiker it's pretty much going to be everywhere.

Driver tracking, probably will be mandatory for insurance, if it isn't already.

It's a treasure trove for the nefarious.


@onepict It surprised me it comes with a builtin wireless cellular system; they give you a year free then if you want to be able to access it, you have to subscribe. But I assume it never stops phoning home.

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@sullybiker I do not like this. You can't opt out and pretty soon it's going to be impossible to get a vehicle without one.

We're just going to be using our old tractor at this rate.

@sullybiker we've an old Massey, very little electronics.

I could just sit in our back bucket while my husband drives, 🤣

@onepict With the biggest hat you can find, and a parasol, I hop.


"never stops phoning home" turns out already to have been a problem, cf the Subaru Starlink (no, not that Starlink, the other one) killing batteries, beyond the ick of 3rd party data sharing.

the Chevy variant, OnStar, was founded in 1996


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