Meanwhile, there was a smaller event being held in solidarity against real discrimination. Around the corner from the 32,000-strong Pride parade, a group of roughly 150 lesbians gathered at Parliament Square to protest against the intrusion of trans ideology into what used to be an event about homosexual people. These were actual lesbians – ie, people with fannies who are exclusively attracted to other people with fannies. They carried homemade banners and gave heartfelt speeches. They had no brand sponsorships, billboards and no celebrity endorsement. Khan did not drop by for a photo-op. Organisers even had to make the arrangements in stealth to avoid attracting the attention of trans activists, who routinely send threats and try to disrupt women-only meetings like this. To the older women involved, this brought back memories of the homophobia they experienced in their youth.

Jenny Watson, the LGB activist who coordinated the lesbian march, says she spent months meticulously planning the event. This included paying for security, conducting risk assessments and working with the police and the council. Yet on the day, police officers didn’t seem to care that permission had been granted. They tried to move the group on, urging the women to join the main Pride parade instead. Obviously, this would have been disastrous.


@HebrideanHecate @Flick If you set out to completely undermine and destroy a movement, you could not do a better job. It's remarkable.

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