#Xen (#xcpng) or #Proxmox - what do you prefer?

XCP-NG looks more enterprise alike and also works pretty well. Live migrations with shared NFS datastore works without any issues. But setting up #orchestra feels somehow... Anyone using XCP-NG in production?

@gyptazy Not in prod, have a test environment with 3 hypervisors and it's been pretty good. I don't have the spare kit to do Proxmox so will tear it all down and rebuild. Some concepts in XCP-NG are not intuitive. The Orchestra method is very similar to VMWare in that it's just another VM on the hypervisor.

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@sullybiker@sully.site You're absolutely right and I have no issues the way how it works or is running... For me, it was more that I didn't compile it on my own and just used the ready to use installer from the website on the nodes web interface which is very easy, but also intransparent for the things that are happening under the hood. But I had a look at the sources and I'm fine now :)
@sullybiker@sully.site So currently, I'm thinking about replacing my stage setup with XCP-NG but it would require me to rewrite all my automation around it.
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