I don't understand these posts. Reddit is full of them. You might as well ask AI.
@sullybiker People ask this question not because they need help making a decision, but because they have made it and need assurance it's a right one.
@SeventhMagpie Yes, there is also a pattern of deferring decisions to the internet hive-mind, which in the case of Reddit is somewhere between catastrophic and plain stupid.
@sullybiker People find it difficult to think for themselves. :)
@kinetix It's always had the 'idiot king' problem, in that shit tends to be voted to the surface and it's all you see.
@kinetix I despair when a really good discussion gets wrecked by comedians.
@kinetix The upvote system is like a turbocharger for derails.
It's the same with cars. "Should I buy xyz?" The internet isn't going to save you, bro.