Penetration diving and victim recovery is extremely hazardous. I am quite surprised they didn't attempt to raise the wreck and work on the surface. Glad they got them all out, for all that.
In this case they surveyed and recorded every victim location for the coroner, and for what was assumed would be a recovery effort, but it never happened. They just left them in there. The dive team were quite confident they could do it.
@Flick There's lots of conspiracies. Supposedly it was carrying something illicit.
@Flick I think it was bureaucratic imcompetence leading to the usual information vacuum. The official report has not been meaningfully contested.
@Flick They even went back last year and raised the ramp - a key part of the evidence - and it was pretty much as the report hypothesized.
@Flick You can go down the rabbit hole. It's interesting.
@Flick The main. lesson from it is, if you're on a ship and it looks like things are going bad, do not waste time getting out.
@Flick A lot of the controversy arose from the fact they did not recover people, for little good reason. Raising it would be expensive, but it's nearly 800 people, ffs.
@Flick A large number of whom were never located; families literally no idea what happened.
@sullybiker I thought it rang a bell.
@sullybiker Wasn’t there something weird about that wreck / the bodies being left? Something about some of the cargo being removed?