Switching customers from Linux to BSD because boring is good • The Register
@sullybiker Interesting. About 20 years ago, a large private school system I used to work for finally got around to demolishing the interior of an old building. In the process, they found a Novell Netware server, still running, that much earlier remodeling had walled up inside a storage closet.
Sounds to me like old Netware rules the reliability roost!
@dancingtreefrog That poor server! At a place I worked they had some print server that had been up for around a decade that was down to the final working disk, and they were scared to ever reboot it.
@dancingtreefrog We had someone set up a marketing material workflow using an old mac as some kind of batch server. They left and nobody knew about it for years. Until one day it stopped working.
Isn't it fun when documenting things is something marked as "todo" but never done? My first tech writing job was to document a heavily-custonized Financial Accounting system so they could replace it (see Prime above).
I spent the last seven months (before I retired) completing *and documenting* all my business/systems analyst projects, and everything for managing the corporate ECM.
Great feeling: it's completed, they have everything they need. The past is past, now for my future!