Part of the problem with subscription access to everything is that it effectively sets the price to look at any random article or video regardless of quality/value at about $100. I'm sorry, but unless you have proof of Bigfoot, or UFO's, or something REALLY fucking compelling, most content isn't worth $100 for one click. Like, you could buy a permanent piece of wall art for that. Or a huge new hard drive. Or other similar tangible content-goods. (1/2)
@h_thoreson i always kinda liked the casual tip model Popbitch use, but not seen that (Axate) on any other sites. Seems like it should work elsewhere, though God knows what a model like that would do to news coverage.
@h_thoreson yeah? well, how about that. It feels like it deserves to be bigger than it is. There's a good idea in there.
@Pipski Funny Axate is the thing I was referencing, but yeah I haven't seen it in use anywhere yet from the USA