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Okay, GT7 on the PSVR2 is a fucking trip. Absolutely rocks.

Pipski boosted

Every company, without exception, should hire someone who is Painfully Online to look at their branding and tell them if it's maybe got some Implications

Pipski boosted

“What’s the worst UI for a signature on an online form?”

Me: 🤔

sooo, what's the new SMS hotness now that Signal won't support it anymore?

So far today, I have lost two hats while out and about and discovered four pairs of brand new socks I have no memory of acquiring. The clothing tally is all over the place.

Took one look at the results of my cooking tonight and thought 'yeah...gonna need to be drunker to eat this.'

dear Microsoft, it doesn't matter how often you put an Edge icon on my desktop, I'm going to keep deleting it.

think i would give my eye teeth for one of those 27" 2d->3d monitors once available. can't even find one of their tablets in stock anywhere though.

Judgment is good and I'm enjoying it so far, but holy crap it has the worst mini map I've ever encountered.

Pipski boosted

The cat just went over to the HomePod mini on my desk, meowed at it, and Siri said "sure here is some music for you" and the cat perched on the window sill listening to Garbage and Elliott Smith.

I just want to know how long this has been going on.

Why actually do so many Chinese films feature a character called Fatso?

rewatching Les Chevaliers du ciel, because in my heart I believe that -- in France -- a stripper *can* become a fighter pilot.

Alien Code is really, really good. Underrated little film that flew under my radar until now, but proper enjoyed it.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!