Finally! An end to being stuck with a bulky, disruptive CIWS on the bedside table

Which is a bit more sophisticated than my current method of 'you're driving a SUV, so fuck you.'

If you're thinking of making one of these, please mount it on the *front* of your car, so I can scrutinise it when deciding whether to let you out at junctions.

Pipski boosted

*advertiser spends billions a year and spies on me through 30 different apps*

"d-do you want to buy... *looks at my receipt for a GPU purchased yesterday* do you want to buy a GPU?"

Hi, Gmail here. Oh, you want to insert your signature? Sure, I'll go right ahead and stick it at the end of the email you're replying to, instead of where your cursor is, because that's normal and well thought out. PS: I'm a totally appropriate email solution for business use and definitely didn't just hornswoggle a load of moronic managers into believing Google was a cooler brand than Microsoft ten years ago.

Twilight of the Warriors certainly features the most unexpected use of 'Walking In The Air' I've ever encountered

Dragging and dropping files is perverted behaviour for subnormal deviants. Give me a browse button and some hotkeys or give me death.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!