> A prevalent, relevant issue that’s especially important to avoid in this case is called bedtime procrastination, and occurs when people delay going to sleep, by engaging in various dilatory behaviors, such as gaming or browsing social media. This issue is highly problematic, since it can lead to a self-perpetuating downward cycle, where being tired causes you to procrastinate on going to sleep, which causes you to be more tired the next day, which in turn causes you to procrastinate again, and so on.

My last three months, but I'm gradually breaking out of the cycle now.
@clacke @sullybiker I found that doing some sport in the early evening gives me the right amount of tiredness to avoid such situations.

@scolobb @clacke Exercise makes a huge difference, for sure.

I've got a surgical wound and I"m being treated with topical steroids at the moment, both of which make it much worse. Like being caffeinated all the time.

@sullybiker @scolobb I think a lot of people in this forum are going to read "like being caffeinated all the time" as a positive thing. 😁

@clacke @scolobb Haha, quite! Usually me also, just not at 3 in the morning!

@sullybiker Sounds unpleasant, I hope your treatment finishes soon.


@scolobb @clacke Cheers! A necessary evil for a pretty serious eye problem I'm dealing with. It's really quite bearable in perspective.

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