I feel like Merriam-Webster is trolling me.

"It has come to our attention lately that there is a small and polite group of people who are not overly fond of the word irregardless. This group, who we might refer to as the disirregardlessers (..)"


@mhka That is fantastic, irregardless of how you feel about the word.

@sullybiker Unregardless of how gramatically wrong it is (it has a negative qualifier and should mean the opposite of regardless), I'll just have to shove this under the disregardless carpet.

@sullybiker Another pet peeve: "I could care less" -> so you DO care! But no, apparently, this means they have no care left to give.


@mhka Yes that's a strange one. Back home I swear it was 'couldn't' but I'm not completely sure. I've definitely heard both.

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