Yesterday we watched JAWS (1975), the first time in ~20 years I've seen it. Also the first since reading Benchley's novel ~5 years ago.

It was on my mind after the parallels between closing the country and closing the beaches; President Jaws-Mayor bemoaning lost dollars.

The film is great, but it leaves out all the other non-shark stressors in Brody's life that summer in the book. Small town corruption, marital infidelity, distrust of outsiders.

The relatively abrupt ending is true to the novel, though, which is not something I'm used to.

Obviously not the method used to dispose of the shark; everyone points out that that was a stupid change.

What I mean is kicking toward shore is just the end. The End.

I kinda wish that Benchley had written a JAWS 2 so I could see all the fallout and how life in Amity changes.

Sure, Hollywood made a JAWS 2.

Three years later, same Mayor.

This does show that Nothing Really Changesᵀᴹ, but I'm hesitant to accept it since one of the other sequels features another shark on the Hudson River in NYC, killing Brody's mom in an act of revenge.



@nyquildotorg I was sad he didn't get a cameo in Jersey Shore Shark Attack.

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