
SystemD is completely fucked on my Mac mini media server install. It's just destroyed itself and rendered the OS unusable.

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I knew something was off when login took about 30 seconds because associated systemd events were failing each time. It had segfaulted and could not be restarted. You can't issue a 'shutdown -r now' because systemd controls that too. Nothing works but hitting the power button. It's ludicrous.

@sullybiker SystemD has too large of a codebase to be reliable. If you want maximum compatibility on devices or parts that aren't officially supported, use runit or maybe even openrc.

@ThreeBadgersInATrenchcoat Yeah, I get that. I run Slackware on my desktop stuff but run all sorts at work. Systemd is very hard to escape, this is the 2nd time I've had a fairly big issue with it.

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