You get pressured to give the researcher superuser rights because they 'need to do things' A few days later:

"I accidentally did chmod -R 777 / to the system....and now I think I need to get on to the root user to reverse this....Can you send me the credentials for that? Or do you have a quick fix for it?"

Er, no mate. You're fucked. And LOL at the idea there is some sort of super-root that can magically fix it.

An electrician once told me people get into trouble because the internet tells them how to do things and they assume it's easy. This is very like system administration. It's skilled work.

It could be a life or death situation trying to do a job for a electrician.

@posrev Oh it's much more dangerous, but the assumption you can google your way through is nevertheless highly prevalent.


@posrev The educated classes think these jobs are dirty and unskilled, so they assume it must be easy.

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I don't think of any jobs to be unimportant anymore. Someone has to do it or the operation breaks down.

@posrev Yes my wife is a nurse and says there is pressure for them all to get degrees and become desk people. It's crazy. I do think trades and maker community is slowly changing this though.

The mandates to get a vaccine are making the situation worse unfortunately.
Hospitality has been badly affected in New Zealand by covid and they're not up to the vaccine passports in restaurants, cafes yet.

@posrev The international community held NZ up as a model, too.

Yes. But not anymore. Elimination for delta variant failed. Now the government wants 90% or more vaccinated until they let Auckland out of lockdown and the rest of NZ out of unnecessary restrictions.
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