
Gnome never missing an opportunity to make asses of themselves.

As System76 starts work on its own Linux desktop world, GNOME guy opens blog, engages flame mode • The Register

@sullybiker I remember the recent discussion about GNOME 41 loading into the activities screen with no way to disable it. And the developer behind it basically shut the conversation down.

Ubuntu guys then simply patched it as per the popular demand from the users. But on Fedora I now have to rely on an extension to keep things the normal way. 🙄

@SeventhMagpie that project has been like that from the beginning. The user is treated as an ignoramus.

@SeventhMagpie The version breakage of extensions has been an issue for nearly ten years now. Even Linus Torvalds had one of his famous rants about it. They don't give a shit, basically it's 'you're using it wrong' which is really another way of saying 'go fuck yourself'.

@sullybiker That's my biggest issue with FOSS, tbh. And maybe that's one of the reasons FOSS cannot beat proprietary software on the mass market.

I mean, the developers are in their right, because it's their own unpaid time and they do things the way they want it. But the reactions to critique I often see are not very nice. Like that of the Markor dev, who said that he himself liked the wicked navigation in his app, so there. :)

@SeventhMagpie They have extremely regimented ideas about UX, to the point of dogma.

@sullybiker It used to be very nice when I first interacted with it in Fedora 26. But it's been kind of going downhill, especially in two recent versions which broke more extensions and introduced questionable UX solutions nobody asked for (workspaces orientation, loading into Activities etc.)

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