@claudiom @stsp @sullybiker

Have you ever taught programming? People get - and – mixed up, “ vs ‘ vs `, / and \, etc. And they get genuinely stuck and give up. This isn’t to blame people, its that human brains are literally wired differently and stuff others can do people like you and I cannot and vice versa except with a high degree of difficulty. I’ll put it this way: It all comes down to failure tolerance. For my phone, I have a near zero level of tolerance. I want it to work and do not want to debug it - ever. There are even problems I probably could fix that I just gave up on (my keyboard spacebar is slightly off). With my computer, I have a very high level of tolerance (though ever since my kid, that’s changed). If stuff doesn’t work or crashes or I need to do manual maintenance, I will not mind that. Its kinda fun. I suspect that the vast majority of humanity have very low levels of tolerance. This would explain why the most the most successful Linux deployments in the world do not even have terminals: ChromeOS and Android. (They also come pre-Installed at stores). If my suspicion is correct, then whatever optimal distribution should be extremely simple to use, install software on, upgrade, does no demand console usage. There already is at least one good candidate that comes to mind: ElementaryOS. I haven’t really used Pop_OS much, but they seem solve the right problems too: pre-installed, clean interface that does not demand console usage and hardware support. What’s currently (hopefully not forever) lacking is being sold in stores.

@claudiom @stsp @sullybiker There are literally thousands of Linux Help sites. I can use them just fine but most people still have trouble. This shows that the issue isn't help, its the end-user. But until we can rewire a generation, software should step up to the plate and be so user friendly/easy that breaking things becomes a challenge.

That means having a LOT of testing and warning users before letting them break stuff...my two cents.

@fikran @stsp@bsd.network @claudiom@mastodon.sdf.org The problems start when you want to do something that's not prototypical, say a bleeding-edge GPU driver. There's no way around the fact that means drilling deep into some critical parts of the OS stack, and with that comes the risk. Every piece of software along that line has to work, and this has to be multipllied by all the variations in configuration.

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