First blood draw since 'The Event' 

About a month ago, during some routine oncology follow-up labs, I had an onset of vasovagal syncope, in other words I got severe nausea and almost passed out. In 3yrs of countless labs and sticks it had never happened before, and it scared the hell out of me. It's not nice to feel unwell and suddenly be surrounded by white coats and put on an IV.


First blood draw since 'The Event' 

Because of my cancer treatment, my veins in the one arm I can use (lymphedema risk on the other) my veins are very difficult to access. This resulted in the phlebotomist unfortunately 'digging' with the needle (they're not supposed to do this, but they all do) and causing no small amount of pain.

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First blood draw since 'The Event' 

So they did this, saw me protesting, and decided to have another attempt. That's when it happened. Basically the body shuts down under certain stress triggers, and apparently that was mine. It was very alarming because it came out of absolutely nowhere.

First blood draw since 'The Event' 

Doctor explained that you need a certain combination of things for it to occur, namely: Tiredness, dehydration, and slightly low blood sugar. It's a fasting blood draw so the latter is assured, and I am bad with hydration first thing. An so today I had another. I asked to be reclined and there was no problem. Thank fuck for that, because I've got another two appointments next week, both need IVs.

First blood draw since 'The Event' 

@sullybiker glad you're okay, that sounds so scary

First blood draw since 'The Event' 

@checkervest It's a bit weird when you just check out like that, no warning.

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