That fucking bridge. I go on that thing every day.

@SeventhMagpie luckily no fatalities. It just collapsed from disrepair.

@sullybiker That's good. I mean, that there have been no fatalities.

It's also somewhat satisfying to know we're not the only ones where something might fall into disrepair. Other countries have the very same problems, or so it would seem. Just the other year we had a similar incident here, only one person died. :(

@SeventhMagpie Someone on Twitter took a picture underneath it, showing one of the large beams completely rotted through (a 5cm gap to the supporting pillar) and they notified the city.

We got lucky, but I wonder how many more are out there.

@SeventhMagpie Winter is hard on man-made things. The literal tonnes of salt and moisture destroys things very quickly. We get big temperature swings too, especially late winter. It can reach 70F in February (on exceptional days) and be freezing the same morning.

@SeventhMagpie I'm not hugely impressed the city's first response was 'Oh yeah, we knew about that. Thought it would be alright for another decade'.
This city has more bridges than probably any other in the world.

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